Unloved – Katy Regnery

February 2, 2018

Overall Rating: 5 stars

Brief Summary of the Storyline: Cassidy, the son of a serial killer, lives a quiet life in his grandfather’s cabin off the grid near a huge mountain trail in Maine. His mother moved them there, when he was a child, to escape the stigma of their family name. Now since his Grandfather and Mother have passed he has vowed to live alone, afraid to turn into the type of person his father became.

Brynn is still mourning the death of her fiancé that was killed two years prior. She has cut herself off from her family, friends, and rest of the world. Just before the dead fiancé birthday, she finds a message to her on his cell phone. She decides to take his phone and bury it in the one place he loved most. That huge mountain in Maine.

Their lives collide when Cassidy saves the life of Brynn and nurses her back to health.

holding hands love GIF

Overall Opinion: I fell in love with this book. It will be one of those I add to my will read again shelf. I was envisioning a different story but once I started I could not put this down. It offered me a slow burn that I think romance novels should give. I felt the pain of both Cassidy and Brynn. I was so completely invested in where their story would take them that at about the 77% marker, BAM!!! huge twist that came from the left and knocked me off my chair. There were a couple of issues but overall I was so wrapped up in this that I overlooked them. The story was nicely wrapped up with a HEA with no cliffhanger.

POV: POV alternated back and forth.

Overall Pace of Story: The story progressed well. Not too slow but sped up quite a bit at the end.

Instalove: For the most part no. There was a build up but only over a month span.

H rating: 5 – His faults were blind in my eyes. (see ‘worthy to remember’ below)

h rating: 4 – She get’s one less rating. There was so many roll my eyes moments. But it could be because I’m sexist that way.

Worthy to Remember: Any time he chopped wood and his outdoor shower 🙂

Major Issues:

  1. The virgin hero’s first time was a bit more knowledgeable than most first-timers.
  2. I would have handled the sequence of the twist a bit differently. The twist felt a bit rushed in order to complete the story.

Just because it just bothered me: Where was her cat during the month(s) she was gone? She was supposed to be gone 3 days. Did she have a pet sitter? I know it seems irrelevant but as a pet owner, those thoughts are important. I can barely take a week vacation without my cats giving me the riot act when I return and don’t get me started on the boarding fees for my dogs.

Sadness level: Just a bit. We have a grown man that for a least 10 years have lived in voluntary solitude. Tugged at my heartstrings quite a bit.

Descriptive sex: Mild.

Closure: No cliffhanger. Everything was wrapped up in a neat little bow. Thanks

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